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Print Your 

Print ANYTHING up to 15"x15"

ANY color you like

High and Low quality for your budget

Printers and Filaments for sale

Pre-Made Templates

Custom Prints



  • How long does it take?
    Depending on the size of your item, prints can take anywhere between 15 minutes and 12 hours. Times vary depending on the size, shape, and amount of supports on the item.
  • What can I print through Bryan's Builds?
    *Anything you like! At Bryan's Builds, all you have to do is provide a file or a photo, and we will do the rest! *Certain items may be turned down for a multitude of reasons, including but not limited to: Illegal, inappropriate, or any other imagery not to our standards Impossible items to print (I.E, floating in the air) Over 15"x15"
  • What do i do if my item has arrived unfinished or damaged?
    If your item has arrived damaged or unfinished, contact us at the bottom of our page. We will determine if the item is still usable, and if not, we will ask for it to be shipped back to us for a full refund.
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